Jpn. J. Vasc. Surg., 14: 667 - 669, 2005  
Fig. 1 Digital subtraction angiography during stent-grafting. Although descending aortic aneurysm (Left) was excluded by the stent grafts (Middle), a small amount of contrast medium between the proximal stent graft and the native aorta was detected (white arrow). Balloon compression reduced this endoleak (Right).
Fig. 2 The new stent-graft compression device. The white arrow indicates a space for blood inflow. White arrow heads indicate holes for blood outflow.
Fig. 3 Hemodynamic monitors during stent-graft compression using a conventional aortic occlusion balloon (Upper) and the newly invented stent-graft compression balloon (Lower). In each monitor, electorocardiograms, blood pressure at the radial artery and blood pressure at the left femoral artery are shown from top to bottom. Systemic blood pressure at the radial artery using a conventional balloon was higher than using the new device, and mean blood pressure at the left femoral artery using the new device was higher than that using a conventional balloon.