Jpn. J. Vasc. Surg., 13: 561 - 564, 2004  
Fig. 1  A: Preoperative angiogram revealed stenosis of the popliteal artery.
B: Preoperative MRI showed popliteal artery occlusion and fluid collection spreading between the calf muscles.
C: Preoperative CT revealed that the popliteal artery was slightly dilated and empressed by the low density area. 
Fig. 2 A: Operative findings; The left popliteal artery was pulsated slightly and palpated stiffness with very slight dilatation.
B: The resected popliteal artery was 5cm long and 11mm in diameter. The arterial lumen was filled with fresh thrombus and the clefts were located at media and adventitia semicircumferentially.
C: Postoperarive angiogram showed no abnormal findings.
Fig. 3 A: The arterilal lumen was filled with fresh thrombosis and the adventitia was thickened.
Pathological findings. A lot of clefts was located at the adventitia without inflammation and mucoid deposition. Some clefts had hematoma with medial thinning. (A: low-power elastica van Gieson stain, B: low-power elastica van Gieson stain, C: high-power Hematoxylin & Eosin stain, D: high-power Hematoxylin & Eosin stain)